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COVID-19 Disinfection/Cleaning Services
During these very challenging times, Hygieneering is here for our Commercial and Multi-Tenant Residential clients to assist with professional COVID-19 Disinfection/Cleaning Services.
Hygieneering's COVID-19 Disinfection/Cleaning Services Include:
OSHA Compliance Respirator Training and Fit Testing Services
Third-Party Review of COVID-19 Cleanup Operations
Review of the written cleaning/disinfecting protocol prepared by your cleaning contractor to confirm adherence to the current Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for US Community Facilities with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease. Review includes the described methods of application and the chemicals used are appropriate for COVID-19.
Visual observations and documentation to confirm the application of the cleaning procedures are consistent with the written protocol and current CDC and OSHA guidance for COVID-19. Spot checks in various locations and times in the active cleaning areas.
Hygieneering will prepare correspondence as necessary to report findings as appropriate for observations. At a minimum, a letter report will be prepared following the review of the cleaning protocol and visual on-site observations to provide confirmation of the disinfection process to include recommendations as needed.
A Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) actively manages these projects and provides direction and management of our experienced & credentialed industrial hygiene staff that supports field operations.
Turnkey COVID-19 Cleanup Operations
Hygieneering engages professional environmental remediation firms to conduct disinfection/cleaning operations to follow-up to a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases within Commercial and Multi-Tenant Residential buildings.
Disinfection/Cleaning operations are performed to the current Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for US Community Facilities with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease.
Onsite Disinfection/Cleaning Process Project Management, Oversight and Documentation Services to confirm the application of the disinfection/cleaning procedures are consistent with the written protocol and current CDC and OSHA guidance for COVID-19.
Final Report documenting the Disinfection/Cleaning process has been performed per CDC guidelines.
Please feel free to contact Hygieneering, Inc. toll-free at (800) 444-7154 or if you require our assistance during these difficult times.
Hygieneering is a professional service provider and a Certified Woman-Owned Business.
Click here to see what steps Hygieneering is taking regarding COVID-19.