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Application Solutions:
The NovaRover™ and NovaSentry™ Mobile Delivery Systems Provide unsurpassed spray coverage using omni-directional nozzles, requires less chemistry and less labor.
The NovaRover, as engaged by United Airlines

Introducing the MicroSonic Solutions NovaRover
The NovaRover’s state-of-the-art Chemistry Spray System Technology is based on a pressurized dispersion of the chemistry which avoids changing the chemistries it deploys on a molecular level like electrostatic/foggers do. MicroSonics' patented omni-dimensional nozzle spray technology is engineered to provide wall to wall coverage and removes the human error factor of not correctly applying chemistries. This platform can safely disinfect or protect up to 700 sq ft with only 8 seconds of spray time while utilizing prepackaged chemistries that removes the human error factor of handling or diluting concentrated chemistries on site.
The NovaRover’s chemistry application platform is ideal to disinfect and protect contact surfaces of all types within both small and very large facilities of all types.
Introducing the MicroSonic Solutions NovaSentry Contact Surface Hygiene Unit
The NovaSentry Contact Surface Hygiene Unit platform is a state-of-the-art self-contained Chemistry Spray System Technology that is based on a pressurized dispersion of the contact surface disinfectant and protectant chemistries in which it deploys. The MicroSonic Solutions Chemistry Spray System Technology which is air pressure driven avoids changing chemistries on a molecular level like electrostatic/foggers do. The NovaSentry Contact Surface Hygiene Unit is ideal for dispersing Contact Surface Disinfection and Protection Chemistries in a very time and cost-efficient manner. One operator can cover 50,000 sq ft of interior contact surface space within a 1.5 hour timeframe. With the NovaSentry’ s ability to be very easily separated from the HBI Contact Surface Hygiene Unit Cart, it is also the perfect Chemistry spray application platform to disinfect vehicle interiors to include Busses, 1st Responder Vehicles/Cars and areas within a building that are difficult to access with the HBI Contact Surface Hygiene Unit Cart such as when addressing bleacher systems and stairways.